In March, we celebrated Women's History Month by learning about women who have influenced our services and business. Check out the slideshow below to learn more about some of these amazing women!
Learn more about Anna Bissell:
Mary Walton was a woman inventor during the Industrial Revolution from Kentucky. She moved to New York City after the Civil War and was disgusted by the air pollution she saw and breathed. Mary's patent deflected the pollution from the smokestacks into water tanks, creating better air quality for everyone.
Learn more about Mary Walton:
Margaret Ingels revolutionized the HVAC industry with her work on air conditioning, engineering, and product manufacturing. Learn more about Margaret Ingels:
Susan M Hibbard used discarded turkey feathers to create a duster in 1874. She filed for a patent and was granted it in 1876 however, she was forced to battle in court for recognition of her invention against her husband. The court ruled in Susan's favor as the initial inventor in 1881.
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