Is Sick Building Syndrome Making You Sick?

Written by Admin | Dec 16, 2014 10:00:23 AM

As flu season hits and information about diseases is taking over the news, there is one area that might be making you and your employees sick without you even realizing it. The very building you work in could be contributing to an illness known as Sick Building Syndrome.


The World Health Organization says that 50% of the United States workforce complains of Sick Building Syndrome symptoms, and that 23% of those affected have their symptoms disappear once they leave the building. Clearly there is something in the buildings making these workers sick.

The symptoms of Sick Building Syndrome range from person to person, but tend to include headaches and dizziness, nausea, feeling achy, fatigue, lack of concentration, shortness of breath, irritation of the eyes and throat, blocked or running nose, and skin irritation. Sometimes different people working in the same building experience different symptoms, and some cases even cause severe asthma.

Making sure your employees are healthy is important for keeping your business efficient and running smoothly. Sufferers of Sick Building Syndrome have a 14% decrease in productivity and as much as $60 billion in money is lost due to decreased efficiency. Reducing cases of respiratory illness, which account for over 10 million hospital visits each year, could save $10-$23 billion in costs.

The National Safety Council says that one of the main solutions to curing Sick Building Syndrome is to make sure the ventilation system and ductwork is properly cleaned and maintained. Having this service performed can reduce health issues caused by Sick Building Syndrome by up to 80%.

If you think your building has a case of Sick Building Syndrome contact a Hughes Environmental professional at 888-845-3952 or to set up a free HVAC inspection.